Friday, February 13, 2009

Watch Now!!!

Joss Whedon is awesome. I adore him. Though on the surface he seems like just another Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV writer, he is much more than that.

Joss has helped me through sweet times and traumatic times. Sometimes with blisteringly real, raw emotion, letting me know that I am not the only person in the world to feel that way; sometimes with complete escapism, allowing me to run away for a while; sometimes with the jarring genres of Western meshed with Space Opera, writing deeply flawed yet lovable people that you worry about like true friends--but almost always brilliantly. I have sung along to his musicals, shuddered (and yelled at the TV) through the suspense, and adored his hysterically amusing wit (that puppet episode had me in stitches for days). Oh, and he, too, loved Veronica Mars...

So, tonight at 9:00 pm eastern/8:00 pm central when he debuts his newest show, I will be watching... you should too.

When Fox cancels it after three episodes, played out of order, after not really promoting it, and burying it on Friday nights (or switching around its schedule), I will have enjoyed the perfectly crafted, succulently served, delectable dish he chose to gift us with. And I will have yet again been seduced by that man's sexy brain and continual insight into the human psyche. Did I mention I love him? Sigh...

ETA: There is an intriguing review on Slate today if you are interested


Jess and Carl said...

I just love your way with words... you are so great! Let us know when you guys have a free weekend, it would really be great to get together! These munchkins need to meet you!

Chou said...

Yep, you just described so aptly what TV does with the best shows. Sigh. What are they THINKING???

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