Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happiness is. . .

  • Dancing with kids for a few hours until you can barely breathe, but are undeniably content.
  • A piece of chocolate cake in a bowl of milk.
  • Introducing a new friend to an old one--even if the old one is a TV show.
  • Goldilocks Swiss Spinach Soup--a large pot of it. . . To bathe in.
  • The surreal experience of watching the Oprah Farewell with your sister and three guys, two of whom have never watched Oprah before.
  • The anticipation of a baptism 
  • Teaching kids how to make an origami boat, so they can build a boat like Nephi.
  • Talking to a friend on the phone you haven't talked to in a while.  
  • A perfect musical moment. 
  • A well-done season finale.
  • A perfect haircut (I don't have one, but I would like one). 
  • Your yearly review going well. 
  • The prospect of a three day weekend. 

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