Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Glee of the week (5/25)

So, Glee is very hot and cold for me. I LOVE the music, but sometimes I just want them off their soap box. And I want them to get better writers for the dramatic scenes so they don't play like a bad after-school special. I know it is a lot to ask, but it is driving me crazy. Also, note to the writers--a bunch of tweens watch your show! Do they (and we) need to see bizarrely sexual (Ewww!-inducing) moments between the teachers? Come on!

Also, lets have a pact that you will do music that actually has a point (though they sounded great--Ryan Murphy stop taking my eternal dibs songs!--the first not the second--high school nickname). Not just because you have the rights to it or are trying to kiss up to the artist. And though I like Puck's singing voice, I really feel like they shoehorned this in.

My favorite musical number:

After making fun of the actual lobster for months, I didn't realize I could love it. I kind of do now--what does that mean? Now if they can keep themselves from overusing Brit Brit and wearing down her charm, we'll be great. I also enjoyed the twilight/goth story line--so funny.

In response to the first moment, while I was laughing and rewinding, this was my living room:

B: You know, Twilight? Edward? Doesn't your sister read them?
C: Do I look stupid?
B: Sometimes?

All of the previous aside, my heart hurts that there are only 2 episodes left. Random note: how awesome is it that the last episode is entitled Journey? It is weird to think we started on this crazy road more than a year ago. . .

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I Heart Chuck

I do. I know some people are whining about all the emo stuff this season, but I don't care. I LOVED the Remington Steele/Hart to Hart of the past few episodes (Just in case you want to compare). I loved that there was a complete twist at the end of the season that totally switched up everything and made it fresh, and the fact that even though the finale was 2 hours long, they did not pad that sucker even a little--so much happened! I laughed; I cried; B told me to breathe.

I even loved this:

Cheesy and Fabulous! Best finale of the season so far. LOVED it.

Cannot wait to see them in July.

Ah, I forgot that I really need to add this (among so many other things):

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Glee of the Week (5/18/10)

Okay, last night was Awesome (Go, Joss, Go!). I have been waiting for Idina to sing since she was cast (or since speculating from the get-go that she was or could be Rachel's Mom), and they brought tears to my eyes with this:

I loved Artie dancing (though the end was harsh!). Also, the shout-out to a karaoke bar staple was priceless (and I LOVED the shout-out to Dr. Horrible--it was subtle, but it was there--"in the laugh"), but the true winner. . .

Especially this (pretty sure this was B's favorite moment):

Oh, and the Gaga episode next week? Can. Not. Wait.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Glee of the Week (5/11/10)

I know, I know, this should have gone up last week, not on the eve of this week's episode, but I've been busy (Congrats, Marti & Isaac!). So, here it is, my favorite from last week. Though part of me wanted to choose this one. And this is one of my favorites from Gypsy (the Roz Russell version is the best!!), and Kurt was fantastic!

But, closest to my heart was this:

I know, I'm predictable. But whatever. . . Oh, and Go Santana!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


When I was in High School, Daria helped get me through many a year of specialness (despite debuting at the end of my high school experience). I was a little bit of a chameleon in High School--I blended with whomever I was around. But in my head, I was Daria. One to two close friends and the continued sarcastic commentary in my head. I cannot wait to get my hands on this for a marathon. This writer understood my appreciation quite well. Welcome, back, my friend. Welcome back.

One more follow-up from Slate on the awesomeness of Daria!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stormy Weather

It is supposed to rain today. Maybe the world is mourning the woman who made it famous. Lena Horne died yesterday. My favorite obituary was David Thompson's at the Guardian. She was amazing and deserved a much bigger career than she had (Ava Gardner was dubbed in Show Boat!--which was completely and utterly a part Lena was born to play). In fact, Ava's and her dubber's version of Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man was based on Lena's version.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Musings about music. . .

Side Note: I adore Craig Ferguson. I never really grew up as a late night person. In college I enjoyed watching Conan and Andy but only sometimes. And in the past few years (during the inauguration and the Olympics), I enjoyed myself some Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, but my favorite late-night personality these days is Craig Ferguson.

It could be his Scottish accent. Or the fact that he is patriotic in a lovely way (He and Madeline Albright--amazing!). Or that he likes accuse his audience of being hobos who are only in it for the promise of free chicken. Or that he'll bring on a moral philosopher just because it fascinates him. Or that his life used to be really messed up, but he cleaned up his act, and now has a late-night TV show (that recently won a Peabody!). Or the fact that he got the Mythbusters to build him a robot skeleton side-kick (which he kind of regrets now--I have a feeling he hoped it would be more terminator-y). Or the fact that a bunch of celebrities that I like seem to really enjoy interacting with him. Too funny.

Anyway, a few months ago there was a British Folk band on the show, and I've been obsessed with them ever since. Many times I'll listen to part of his musical guests, but then fast forward, but the song was catchy and gorgeous, and I couldn't stop listening. So, after all that, I would like to share Mumford & Sons. . .

Here is the song that caught me:

Here is another can't-get-it-out-of-your-head song that they sang on Letterman--though I wish they would release this version on itunes instead of their less radio-friendly version:

One of the videos that just makes me smile:

And the one that haunts me:

Also, Ruthie introduced me to Time Lord Rock, and those songs keep running through my head (no pun intended--mostly).


An Awful Lot of Running:

I can't seem to stop humming them. . .

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Dear Mom,

You gave me your voice, your allergies, your massive ability to multi-task... the way I clasp my hands when speaking in public, and my need for everyone to "just get along." My genetic need to feed people? All you. A love of family and friends around the dinner table--yep--though I think your mother also contributed.

My love of reading started early with you and Danny and the Dinosaur. A love of dibble eggs and Barbra Streisand. A yearning to live in old movie musicals? Still you. A love of the cheesy and melodramatic? Mostly your genes--some daddy, but mostly you. My ability to talk to anyone is definitely learned from you.

A love of singing in the car, my knowledge of all Reba McEntire lyrics, a divine attraction to Karaoke? Mom written all over that! A desperate guilt about not being able to help everyone definitely mother-learned. My big feet and big mouth--genetically yours first. Not my height, but definitely my bone structure.

My love of the gospel. My relationship with Jesus Christ. My journal writing habits. My love of the scriptures--all demonstrated by you. You taught me what was important and why I should care about the world around me. Your example spoke volumes even if you didn't always. I am the way I am because of you. Good and bad. Happy and sad. Learned at my mothers knee.

Time warp--well, at least a terribly cheesy time of shoulder pads and over-sized sweaters with leggings--guilty pleasure moments, but so very, very cheesy. And yet, I remember learning so much from watching you sing them. Your testimony sang sweetly and earnestly.

Thank you for it all, Mom. I truly appreciate it. (Though we need to get more pictures of you scanned. I spent all week trying to track some down. If my scanner at work was working better, there would be some embarrassing pictures loaded here. Oh well, next time. ;) )

I love you, Mom!


P.S. This may be redundant if you get your card in time. Due to the unreliability of the post office, that is--though it did get into the mail.

P.P.S. A beautiful post on mothers.

P.P.P.S. As long as I am linking to Reba, I should really include these two.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Random readings. . .

ETA, This one. Too funny!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

TV Notes

TV things I am intrigued by, excited for, or cannot get enough of (besides Glee):

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Glee of the Week

You knew I was going to cave and do this. We'll start back at the beginning of the second half of the season and go on week by week from now. When they time out on Hulu, I'll link to YouTube, maybe.

Bad Reputation (Last Night): I adored Rachel's video just because it was silly and over to top. But when they took one of my Karaoke staples and did that, I was hooked. Love. it. I still think Jesse is up to something (and he only is named that so Finn can sing Rick Springfield), but he seemed genuinely upset. It's a struggle.

Home: Yep, I already posted this. I don't care. It is gorgeous. A House is not a Home is from her current Broadway Show (Promises, Promises) with Sean Hayes.

The Power of Madonna: Like a prayer is probably one of my favorite Madonna songs of all time, but I think my favorite was the fact that they finally let Kurt and Mercedes have their own song.

Hello: So, I enjoyed a lot of these, but this was my favorite. His comment about "impromptu concerts for the homeless" made me love him.

Sectionals: I loved a ton of these, but my favorite were all call-backs to other songs via the choreography.

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